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Friday, March 5, 2010


失恋 辛苦吗??

失恋 的感觉是怎样的??

我觉得。。。。。失恋 很辛苦。。。
失恋 的感觉就像你的心从100 楼掉下来的!!
如果 失恋 可以把时间倒后退。。。那。。。我宁愿我的心
100 楼掉下来。。。
时间倒后退。。。 原来是那么的伟大。。。可以把我弄到想跳楼!!

The first time in secondary school's exam finish already

Yeah!!!finish already lu.......

the first time's exam so happy......

because......all my classmate also 'zuo bi'.....


this matter is on thrusday de science exam.....

during the silent....



OMG!! the science is tooooo hard!!

sure die jor....

because we science teacher dont have teach we science!!

wat the hell ......


but......never mind la~because we all student oso got 'zuo bi'.....

no need 2 scare jor......hahaha.....

but i wish i can get a GOOD MARKS!!

please! please!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

~Boring's Thursday~

today is a boring day......


have somebody laughing with me.....

soo angry and 'dai B'.......

i hate my class's ppl....

all also 'dai B' d......

the teacher also is 'dai B'....

help!!all buddy is 'dai B' 1......

only got 6/34 ppl is not problem ......

help!!!wat the class is it!!??

i swear:next year i wanna change class!!!!

if next year i will stay in this class....

i will CRAZY


Thursday, December 10, 2009

Hello Kitty's story

Hello Kitty was born in November 1st and she lives in London, England with her parents and her twins sister, Mimmy. They have lots of friends at school with whom they share many adventures. Her hobbies include traveling,music,reading,eating yummy cookies her sister Mimmy bakes, and best of all baking new friends. As Hello Kitty always says, u can never have too many friends...

written by sook yu

padini's story

Padini began as a backend operation in Malaysia’s apparel industry, manufacturing, trading and supplying garments to order for retailers and distributors.

It has entered the new millennium as a major force in Malaysia’s multibillion textile and garment industry, a brand leader involved in the distribution and retail of its own fashion labels through 190 freestanding stores, franschise and consignment counters.

It has also proudly carried the Made-in-Malaysia stamp abroad, with its products exports to Thailand , Brunei, Saudi Arabia, Philipines, Cambodia, India, Egypt, Oman, UAE, Indonesia and Syria.

The success of the company can be attributed to the foresight of its management and the dedication of its staff.
Our Products

Padini is mainly an integrated operation that controls its products - fashion wear and accessories - from concept stage to manufacturing, merchandising and image marketing.

Each brand represents a fashion philosophy; each philosophy covers a comprehensive range of products aimed at a targeted consumer. Brand image is strongly backed up by real value: quality, functionality and price.
Our Brands

We addresses fashion-conscious consumers of both sexes and all ages through nine distinct brands: Padini, Padini Authentics, PDI, P & Co, Seed, and Miki.

Vincci, Vincci+ and Vincci Accessories have focused on the fastchanging tastes of woman consumers on shoes, bags and accessories, and Seed Cafe opens an exciting new dimension in food operations for the company.
In The Pipeline

Padini will maintain and increase its leadership position in Malaysia’s fashion industry through various strategies.

New brands and increased product diversity are key expansion policies.

The company will continue to upgrade the image of its products while emphasising value and quality.

Vincci is the company's successful toehold in the lucrative but competitive women’s footwear market. There are plans to strengthen its dominant position with improved production lines and increased capacity

Having successfully etched its brand names into the consciousness of Malaysian consumers, Padini is moving to turn its various labels into regionally-recognised fashion leaders.

It intends to fulfil the potential of the export market, especially in the Asean region, and will also step up overseas marketing for its products.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

死阉人--lee ching yik


2012 movie


Wednesday, November 25, 2009


今天晚上,我去mid valley 看这套电影。。它的内容是跟卡通一样的。但是有一点点的可怜。。
2009年9月10日 9:52
一天女孩過生日,男孩子在她生日的聚會上送了她一隻可愛的毛毛熊,在各種生日禮物中,這根本算不上是禮物. 女孩有些生氣,也許更多的是憤怒,沒想到自己男朋友這麼小氣,今天是她的生日,還來了這麼多朋友. 去年男孩在她生日的時候送了她一把很名貴的藏刀,男孩發誓說,如果有一天他背叛了女孩,女孩可以用刀劃破他的胸膛. 今年,兩個人一直在討論兩個人的未來,這麼多朋友都來為女孩慶祝生日,是男孩說在生日哪天會給女孩一個終生難忘的禮物.結果似乎一切都出乎大家的以外,當然主要是女孩! 面對女孩憤怒的眼神,男孩只是壞壞的笑,這份禮物真的讓女孩終生難忘. 女孩在聚會中喝了很多酒,而男孩只是在旁邊靜靜的喝著可樂聚會結束,他們要回到自己的小家,上了三環,女生一直很憤怒,一直在埋怨,車的後排座放了很多名貴的禮物,當然還有那隻毛毛熊.女生開始抱怨男孩不愛她, 不珍惜他們的愛,男孩只是靜靜的開著車,什麼也沒有說,偶爾會有一絲笑在臉上. 酒精在衝動的驅使下發作了.女孩吐了,男孩靠邊停了車,女孩大發脾氣,指責男孩給了她這樣一個不愉快的生日,說了一些很傷感情的事情,男孩一直無語,只是一隻手拿著紙巾,一隻手拿著礦泉水.女孩突然跑到了三環主路,男孩沒有拉住她,兩個人就這樣在公路上拉扯著,突然,一輛飛馳的快車直奔兩個人行駛過來,男孩想都沒想的扔掉了手中的東西.推開了女孩,女孩的頭重重的摔到了地上,等她甦醒的時候,她已經躺在了醫院,頭上綁著繃帶那輛飛速行駛汽車的司機,證明是酒後駕車 男孩被撞出了15米,當救護車到的時候,他嘴裡一邊湧著血一直說著〃別管我,看我女朋友怎麼樣?〃到了醫院,男孩已經去了另一個世界,他最後的一話是毛毛熊,毛毛熊在他的要求下,被醫護人員帶上了救護車,他在這個世界上最後的一段路,就是這只小熊一直陪著他. 女孩得知男孩離去的消息,一直在哭,哭的昏過去了好幾次. 一個有心的護士把小熊送到了她的枕邊女孩再一次從昏厥中醒來,看著小熊,上邊有著男孩的血,似乎有著男孩的體溫,她緊緊的把它抱在了胸前,輕輕的撫摩著它,突然摸一件很硬的東西,女孩從小熊的口袋裡摸出了一件東西,一個戒指盒,裡面有一枚漂亮的鑽石戒指,女孩看到這一切,徹底崩潰了,她拼命的哭,用力的撕著自己的頭髮和頭上的繃帶,但是一切似乎都沒有意義了女孩去了太平間,那是的男孩身上的血跡已經被擦乾,他幹乾淨淨的,安詳的躺在那裡,嘴角還是有著一絲壞壞的笑,女孩用手撫摩著男孩的頭,淚水從眼角劃落,她不想哭出聲,因為男孩不喜歡她哭. 女孩第二天就出院了,回到了他們曾經愛的港灣打開房門,她被眼前的一切驚呆了,房間裡滿是玫瑰,桌子上有一個大大的蛋糕,旁邊的一個保溫餐盒和一張卡片. 打開餐盒裡面是她最愛喝的湯. 打開卡片裡面寫著: 嫁給我,你一輩子都不會後悔,你一輩子都會感覺溫暖,我會一輩子讓你幸福,我會一直守侯在你的身邊,我會每天叫你起床,為你做你喜歡的早餐,送你上班,時刻惦記你,隨時給你電話和信息,不讓孤獨的感覺伴隨你一時一刻,晚上我會接你下班,為你做晚飯,晚上讓你在我的懷中睡去後再靜靜睡去.家裡事情你做主,但是家務還是我來吧,我身體比較好點.如果應酬,我會在11點前回家,如果出差我會把你這幾天食物準備好,當然還有你愛吃的零食.其實愛情就是簡簡單單兩個人的幸福,我們的幸福才剛剛開始,希望…… 女孩再也看不下去了,她看到了房間裡彷彿滿使他們的歡聲笑語,滿是他們的蜜語甜言,往日的情景一下子,湧入了她的心頭,她在自責,在懊悔,在埋怨…… 想著到底是誰背叛了那曾經美好的東西曾經的幸福這個時候變的尖銳,曾經的歡笑這個時候變的灰色 男孩火化的那天女孩沒有去女孩一個人靜靜的呆在他們愛的港灣,躺在他們經常****的床上,看著他們出去旅遊時的錄像,輕輕的用去年生日哪天男孩送他那把藏刀割開了自己的手腕…… 窗頭放著一張卡片: 親愛的我來了,沒有你的日子我好難過是我錯了,你走的這幾天,我一直在回味我們在一起的日子,你的體溫你的氣味你的坏笑和你做的飯,你是個騙子你說過一生守護我的,沒有你,一個人睡覺好冷的,沒有你做飯我肚子好餓,沒有你在身邊我好孤單,你慢點走,我來了,雖然你沒有實現你的承諾,但是我還是真的愛你,壞蛋我來了,慢點走,在前面等我,我來了…… 戀愛中的朋友們。 。好好珍惜吧。。也許這個世界沒有那麼圓滿的愛但是這個世界有著最愛你的人和你最愛的人當最愛你的人和你最愛的人是一個人的時候告訴你你是幸福的有些人往往是三角戀也許你不懂我的愛我想看了這篇日誌你應該明白點吧呵呵不說了希望看完這篇日誌的人珍惜眼前的一切不要因為一點小事鬧彆扭。。